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Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples

    Once October rocks around – it’s time to get to grips with Diy Halloween Costumes – even more so if you are going as a couple as you need to work out who will be and work out how long each outfit will take to make. Whether you want to recreate cartoon couples or ones you’ve seen on the big screen – take inspiration from these amazing Halloween costumes. Maybe you want to be Daffy to his Donald Duck or Lola to his Bugs Bunny – whichever you choose, you are sure to have great fun on the night.

    1. Adam & Eve

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    This is super easy, simply buy garland from the craft store, and hot-glue them to a dress for the girl and shorts for the boy. Or a green sheet cut into a dress, hot-glue plastic leaves, and accessorize. Man’s: cut one end of a pillow case, and do the same.

    2. Mario and Princess

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    A pink outfit for the Princess and blue overalls with a tee shirt for Mario is all it takes if you fancy showing up as these Super Mario characters.

    3. Hunter & Deer

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    Dress like a deer with antlers and get your boyfriend kitted out in camouflage to recreate this idea.

    4. Lois & Superman

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    Let your man be the hero in this classic pairing. You can easily paint on a superman emblem to a blue tee shirt and the rest is just office wear.

    5. Skeletons

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    This is a classic Halloween costume and you could even dress up with your best friend to recreate this pair.


    6. Danny and Sandy

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    An adorable couple to show up to any party , if you don’t have blonde hair, you can purchase a blonde wig to look like Sandy and style his hair with wax to look like Danny.

    7. Cards against Humanity

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    Don’t forget to carry the game Cards against Humanity if you opt for this costume as you may just inspire people to want to play!

    8. Jessie & Woody

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    Toy Story has many cute pairs why not take inspiration and dress up as Jessie and Woody. You can purchase items like cowboy hats in thrift stores or you may even have some lying around.

    9. Firefighter & Dalmatian

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    Dress up as a dalmatian with black and white spotted clothing.

    10. Fred & Wilma

    10 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Couples
    If you love the Flintstones then this couple’s costume will have you both screaming yabba dabba doo!

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