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Easter Breakfast Ideas

    When Spring arrives, flowers are blooming, lambs are bleating and joy is in the air. With such a joyful season, it’s time to make something more than just cereal or toast in the morning. Especially since Easter is right around the corner. Make Easter fun for your kids by making a special breakfast to celebrate the day. Choose from bunny pancakes or deviled eggs that look like chicks to enhance their morning.

    You can also use these ideas for brunch and parties too. Banana slices are great for defining bunny features while also being healthy and energizing.

    Easter Breakfast Ideas

    Easter Breakfast Ideas
    For cute Kids brunch or snack use a flour tortillia, turkey and cheese to make this edible bunny.

    Easter Breakfast Ideas
    Pancake bites allows you to make a variety of flavors! Perfect for brunch, snacks, entertaining. Easy for the kids to help too!

    Easter Breakfast Ideas
    Adorable idea for Easter Morning!! Cinnamon rolls are transformed into bunnies. Just be careful the almonds aren’t too pointy or they might look evil, but if it’s Halloween it may be what you are going for!

    Easter Breakfast Ideas

    Easter Breakfast Ideas
    Deviled Egg Chick’s will also work great for little snacks.

    Easter Breakfast Ideas
    Easter bunny pancakes are perfect for kids breakfast – at any time of the year. Make a batch of pancakes, then use fruit and whipped cream to turn your typical pancakes into a cute bunny butt. It’s also a fun spring craft to get kids cooking in the kitchen.

    Easter Breakfast Ideas

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