If you are looking for a fun craft the kids can give as a gift or favor on Mother’s Day – then why not try these Mothers Day Painted Rocks. Since rocks are abundant and free you won’t need any specialist equipment. It’s a great craft to keep kids occupied and you can use this idea for other occasions too such as Easter, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. If you are making up a Mother’s Day gift basket, then these creations are perfect to add to them too.
Mother’s Day painted rocks. “Mom’s are the sweetest” look like M&M’s
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Rock Painting Idea
We have included this video tutorial from Rock Painting 101 to show you how paint rocks for Mother’s Day.
I’m proud to be y’orchid! Orchids, mothers day, funny, pun painted rock by Nicole Casaceli.
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Grandma’s Reasons to Bee Happy. Adorable bees painted on to rocks will make anyone happy!
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Paint rocks with beautiful messages such as “Hug Your Mom”.
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Home is where mom is, painted rock by Nicole Casaceli.
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If Mother’s were flowers….
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Paint a beautiful Poppy rock for mum!
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Painting Snoopy holding an adorable bouquet is just so perfect.
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