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Awesome Halloween Wreaths

    5 Awesome Halloween Wreaths

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    Awesome Halloween Wreaths

    Once fall arrives, we will be looking forward to celebrating Halloween and decorating accordingly with some Halloween Wreaths. You can purchase some wonderful Halloween items online to make your home hauntingly spooktacular. Decide whether or not you want to go for a creepy look designed especially for Halloween , or a wreath that will take you all through fall including October 31st. Check out these awesome wreaths available to buy.

    Witch Hat Leg Wreath

    1. Add some witchy charm to your door with this Witch Hat Leg Wreath
    5 Awesome Halloween Wreaths

    See it here on Amazon

    2. Tissue Ghost Wreath

    5 Awesome Halloween Wreaths
    Make a tissue ghost wreath using these supplies: a wreath form, a box of tissues, 1/8 inch craft ribbon or curling ribbon, a black sharpie, about 50 lollipops, and optional ribbon to hang the wreath.

    Here’s how to make it:
    1. Cut the craft ribbon into 5-6 inch lengths. Wrap a single layer of tissue around each lollipop and tie a ribbon under it in a bow.
    2. Use the black sharpie to draw a ghost face with 2 eyes and a mouth on the tissue. Be careful not to tear it.
    3. Stick the lollipops into the wreath form, starting at the top and going around in a circle. Leave enough space so you can see their faces.
    4. When you finish, wrap the ribbon around the wreath to hang it. You can make a bow or just tie a knot.

    Artificial with Purple Lights

    3. Get a gorgeous purple hue with this Artificial Wreath with Purple Lights
    5 Awesome Halloween Wreaths

    See it here on Amazon


    4. Eerie Eyeball Wreath

    5 Awesome Halloween Wreaths
    If you feel like making your own wreath, then try making this eerie eye ball wreath. You’ll need 144 ping pong balls, tulle, a 14-inch styrofoam wreath, and some lock tight glue. You can get the ping pong balls and googly eyes on Amazon. Just wrap the tulle around the wreath and use the glue to attach the eyes. Voila, a creepy and cool wreath for your front door!

    Halloween Bauble Wreath

    5. For a colorful and cheerful look, this Halloween Bauble Wreath won’t fail to disappoint.
    5 Awesome Halloween Wreaths

    See it here on Amazon

    Sample Review “Love its cheerful design! There are multiple ornaments for this wreath all in good quality. Those cute ornaments like pumpkin, bat and clown add a good sparkle of glitter, which perfectly blend in vibrant color pallet. ” Tracy

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